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Worship in Spirit and Truth

I have a friend that I met over a year ago since we moved almost two years ago. Her name is Candace. I think we are almost the same person in two different bodies. We are both type A personalities and very organized. We'll be doing something & I know what she's thinking because I'm thinking the same thing. She is fiercely loyal, loves Jesus, and never does anything halfway. I appreciate her humor because mine is the same. It's nice when someone just gets you.

She and I were talking a few months ago about different bible studies we liked (my absolute favorites are Community Bible Study, Dry Bones Dancing by Tony Evans & Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs) and she asked me if I had ever done bible journaling. I had never even heard of bible journaling. Yes, I am that clueless. Candace showed me some of her journaling & I thought it was really neat & a different way to study. She said it made her study time so much richer. I knew I wouldn't color in my current study bible; it has almost 20 years of notes in it. What to do! Like I do with many things, I started to obsess about journaling. While I was reading the bible I would start seeing the pictures I would draw. I began keeping a sticky pad close by so I could write down what scripture I wanted to draw. I started reading the bible with fresh eyes. I became excited to read passages I had read many (very many) times over. How would I draw it? It's all very exciting. I gave myself a gift of a bible that is made for journaling, and I think it's the nicest thing I have ever done for myself.

I do have one HUGE bone to pick with Candace. She didn't inform me was how addicting bible journaling is. Yeah, thanks for that Candace. ;) I'm a total waste. All I want to do is color in my bible & I can't. When I have a few minutes to draw, I find myself giddy with excitement. I was looking for ideas on Pinterest (because that's where everyone finds inspiration for things, right?!) when I came across an article about bible journaling. There were a few statements in the article that resonated with me, but one in particular stuck out. The writer said that bible journaling is a form of worship. I believe this with my whole heart. My pictures don't have to be perfect. Goodness knows I'm not an artist, but it's an offering of me to the Lord. It's me loving His word.

I.Can't.Get.Enough. I'm inhaling the bible like I haven't done in years. I let the words I'm drawing wash over me. I cry, laugh & meditate about the words. Words have power, but there is something special about The Word. Sometimes I just flip through & stop and read to see if what I'm reading will bring an idea to mind. I'm mining for diamonds, each one inspired by the Holy Spirit and written by someone who loved the Lord. Just, wow! If I want to take it to the "next level", I'll listen to worship music or to a message from some of my favorite pastors. What I've known, but started to truly understand through journaling is that He was thinking of me when the words were inspired. I've prayed scripture for years & inserted my name or family names in the verses, but it just feels different when I draw them. God's word has become intimate & mine. I now get why Christians who live in countries where they are persecuted kiss their bibles. It's their unadulterated love and thankfulness for God's word. They know the preciousness & the power of the Word.

I don't want to post my journaling pictures here because 1. I'm self-conscious about them. (I drew a sheep & it kinda looks like Baby Yoda.) 2. It doesn't matter what others think about them, because it's my worship & God knows what my heart sees when I draw them. 3. Bible journaling isn't a competition. It's a love thing between me & my father. I know He would put them on His fridge. Isn't that what a loving daddy does? I like to use colored pencils. I have some colored pencils you draw first & then add water to make it look like a watercolor. Is it cheating, sure, but it looks great!

Thank you Candace for turning me on to bible journaling, it's changed how I look at scripture. More importantly, it has changed me. I can't wait for our summer small group! It's going to be A.Ma.Zing. If you need to freshen your view of the bible, I highly recommend bible journaling. If you have questions let me know & I'll give you Candace's number. Just kidding, I'll answer what I can & then send you to Pinterest. :)

Thankful for God's word & friends who speak truth like Candace!


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