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raising kids you like

Why write a book?


For years my children have asked me to write a parenting book.  They wanted something to reference when they have children, I guess.  Or, they know how opinionated I am (about everything) and wanted to get my thoughts on paper so I wouldn’t say them out loud, all the time, to their face.  It could also be that I’ve been giving parenting advice for years, and they thought it would be good to have it all written down in one place.  I’m making it free online because it seems the people who need the advice the most may not be able to afford a book.  So there you go.


My parents were old school in their parenting style.  Justice was swift if you acted inappropriately.  My mom would give one warning & Lord help you if you were disobedient.  But more on that later in the book.  There was also a lot of laughter & enough love (and food) for an army.   


There have been other things that have influenced how Hopson & I have parented our children.  I will speak on my parenting style the most because he and I made the decision that I would stay at home with our children.   There were days it felt like a job, but mostly it was like herding cats, who had fallen in the bathtub, and are not happy.  Just kidding.  (but it was like herding cats)  I learned a lot along the way and hope you find this book funny, life-giving, and that you learn from some of the mistakes I made en voyage.  The major thing I learned was love, love, love and a little discipline go a long way.  And don’t forget to read to your kids.  That is also very important.


Unfortunately, children do not come with instructions.  It’s a learn as you go & hope they don’t need too much therapy when they are older.  Hopson & I are hands-on kind of parents.  We decided to be that way so if our kids turned out to be ax murderers, we knew it was partially on us.  So far so good. 


Enjoy the book & this crazy ride called parenting.


Check back soon to read added chapters

     Ashley Nance               raising kids you like               All Rights Reserved               2019

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